
Hey people go and read me my story!! And cite if you think it is good enough!! And chapter 2 will be out either tomorrow or the next day!!!


Hi @bradysm92240110!! Havent talked in a while. I hope you aint hating on me!! Otherwise id be bffless :(. You wont let dat happen to me :D , right? Cuz i will hunt you down with a baseball bat if you go hatin on me ;3 Just to let you know tho your my BFF and I will always support your opinions and beleifs so even if you move away, well KIT. Your the bestest friend ever and I hope one day to meet up again with ya 
          Dont ever change from what ppl say! Dont let them hurt you or dont you hurt yourself. I promise if someone hurts you, text me and I will kill them ;) But ya your the best guy ever and your so awesome i hope everyone at school remembers you and GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEYS!!!!
                                            Your BFF Tara :) 


tara i just read this again and that is so nice i just under stude the meaning of that thanks BFF and you never chang eather