
Y'all this bitch just got an email from Pinterest saying "Someone in our community told us, that they are concerned with your well being" and I am just like 


this message may be offensive
@Brakeyandbrypu4ever oh fuck the emojis didn't send


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this message may be offensive
I am sorry if I had been seeming rude with what I have been saying
          This is what I mean when I say must of the stupid shit I said with the future Au remake
          We all know that a lot of people in fandoms will harass you if you do something that in their eyes are wrong I care about your opinions just don't hate me if I get something wrong or express my opinions.
          I hope to all the gods this makes sense and you guys are not mad at me


Hello everyone
          If you watch game theory or any of matpat's channels then you know he retired and right now I am sad and I cried a little and I am making this post because it's sad and nostalgic to think about all the YouTubers who either retired or are no longer with us. Yesterday I watched some Stampylongnose which again made me cry it's just sad that I am so young and let all of my favorite YouTubers like DanTDM, Matpat, Stampylongnose, and so much more had left and the reason i am making this post is because i am really scared of the future i mean so many comfort youtubers are gone and i am trying not to cry. But we can't be sad that it's over but happy that a new chapter is turning. Besides the best thing about YouTube is that you can go back and watch all the old videos you want. And the last reason I made this post is because I want to write out my feelings and try to cheer you all up but I suck at writing about feelings and cheering people up so I will leave with this quote that is my top favorite and doesn't really make sense in the topic of the post but I didn't comment it on the final episode so here you go.
          "That's just a theory, a game theory." -Matpat 2018


So when I have an update to my stories I put it in my first-ever book because who wants to be annoyed by posts and get all happy that your favorite book might have an update only for it to be a post (trust me had it happen before multiple times) so here is the update for all you peps.
          Starting now I will be working on one single book and try to get it to either 10 or 20 chapters probably 20 I won't work on other books I will still take requests in my one-shot books but I need to work on my original books because one of them I will be making my dnd campaign (don't judge)
           if I disappear and do not upload until a few months later it's probably because I forgot Wattpad existed like what happened last time or I probably die one of the two anyway I will see you later peps (should I continue calling my Wattpad followers peps let me know if I should)


Did you guys ever like freak out while talking to people online cuz you don't know what to say and then end up apologizing to them for no reason then freak out after a few minutes cuz you realize that might have not been the best thing to say and you don't know how to end conversations or if it had ended or what they could be joking and not joking about