Alright, just a quick message to those followers who actually care about my stories :)
I just want to point out that of my four uncompleted yet published stories, I'm am currently actively working on three of them; agoi, tugolm, and nbh. A Game of Infection (agoi) currently has the most chapters and I've put the most work into that one by far, so I'd expect that one to be the first actual story that I finish.
As for The Untitled Gallery of Lynx Morris (tugolm) and Nothing But Home (nbh), those are two projects that I'd like to finish at some point, but I doubt I will. I haven't worked on tugolm for a while now, but I have a chapter that I've been working on for the past few months that I'm having a little trouble on. Once I'm past that, I can focus more on that story.
Now for nbh; this story is one that hasn't really garnered much attention, and that's fine. It started out a little choppy, and I stopped there, so I've decided that I'm gonna scrap those first few chapters and rewrite it all. I've finished the first two chapters and I'm starting the third right now. I don't think I'll start posting the rewrites until a month or so from now because of how long I expect the story to be.
As for Skyfall, I've practically put that book on the shelf because I've planned how I want the story to unfold, but I don't quite know how to put it on paper, if you get what I mean.
Anyway, thanks for bearing through this long update with me. If you have any questions, just ask me.