
Hello! Everyone, just an update on my stories. I first wrote 'His Precious Abby' as well as 'The Rising' when I was a teenager, but since posting it I've grown as a writer and realized the flaws in the plotline on both stories. I have lost interest in both and decided it's time I rewrite them. Fear not, Abby and Leo will be back as will Skylar, Adam, Nora, and Jeff. For those who have continued to read and support my stories even as my updates grew farther apart, I thank you. I hope you all have a good day or night depending on where you are. 


Hello! Everyone, just an update on my stories. I first wrote 'His Precious Abby' as well as 'The Rising' when I was a teenager, but since posting it I've grown as a writer and realized the flaws in the plotline on both stories. I have lost interest in both and decided it's time I rewrite them. Fear not, Abby and Leo will be back as will Skylar, Adam, Nora, and Jeff. For those who have continued to read and support my stories even as my updates grew farther apart, I thank you. I hope you all have a good day or night depending on where you are.