
Hey there! It’s been a while, but I’m back and I have a new science fiction story posting called Fall Below. Check it out!!


@BrandiSchonberg sorry it's late but welcome back. ❤


Time for scary and exciting news.
          I will be pulling The Gate down tonight. If you have saved it to read and haven't yet, please look for it on soon! (It'll be a newer, revised version - so better overall). This was my very first finished manuscript, and I did it all here, with you. 
          Thank you for pushing me. 
          Thank you for supporting The Gate this past year. 
          Hope to see you soon!


Hello friends!
          I know I said The Gate would be coming off of Wattpad in January, and that CLEARLY hasn't happened!  
          I do know that in the coming weeks, it will finally be unpublished because it has been chosen to be published by a new online literary company called Episodic Reading. Yay! (but sad, too... it started here). I will let you know as the date draws near. When it is published with ER, it will have undergone some changes, so consider giving it another look!! 
          Thanks for being awesome!!!


Important announcement! The Gate will be unpublished on WattPad on January 15. It has been selected to be published on a new subscription app called Episodic Reading sometime in January. The release will only be in the UK at first, but will open up internationally shortly thereafter. If you are reading it now, thank you!! (But read fast!)