
Hey there,
          Welcome to Wattpad! 
          I’m glad you discovered this awesome site. It’s a great place to share and read stories!
           I am a Wattpad Ambassador; one of many. We are here to make the Wattpad experience better for all users. 
          Have you checked out the clubs? If you want to chat with other users you can click on the Clubs tab at the top of your screen. There's a club especially for newcomers. There are also ones for different genres. You can promote your story in the Share Your Story club. 
          If you have any questions or need help getting started, I’d be happy to help! (:
          Have fun
          Happy Reading


hello i'm michelle and welcome to wttpad hope you are loving it so far and yay i'm your first fan i know i'm weird but hey deal with it ha everyone loves getting fans so if you nee any advice or have a question then ask away i'm happy to help also if you ever post any stories or poetry send me a message and i will be sure to read so have fun and byeeee :)