
People change people. In order to change, you have to be willing to listen, if you don’t listen, you won’t change. It’s that simple.


Do y'all ever watch a movie about the past and realize how absolutely inhuman some people treated others? I'm in tears right now after seeing a movies about a black girl loving a white boy and how they treated her was absolutely disgusting, and if I could go back and change it I would. I can't change the past but I'm will change the future so that no matter what you can love someone, no matter the details.


I will always sit down and listen to both sides of the story. But if your being a brick wall and not even trying to explain anything then don't expect me to respect what you believe if you won't explain it.
          If you don't agree with what I believe, fine, that's your choice, I love you no matter what, but don't call me ignorant because you refuse to explain what I don't understand when I ask you too. Does that make sense?


@BraveFangirl girl idk, but personally i always say my opinion even if i make the situation worse, and i feel like everyone should repsect that and not overreact like that


@heyoimanunicorn I feel like I made things worse and said things I shouldn't


          Y'all, I've been watching a channel on YouTube called Kendall Rae, and she does a very popular set of series called Where is and Found. And if you could, I ask that you check her out, whether you watch her is your own choice, but please post what you can about the missing people, you never know, it could help solve the case. Please, please, do what you can. And if you know anything or recognize any of the people, please report it.


I got two jobs, I found a life with Christ, and I'm so happy with I'm at. I'm still getting over him, but I've made so much progress, and I'm so very happy. For this first time in forever, I'm actually happy with myself. Just had to let y'all know. Update me on y'all, if you want.


@BraveFangirl I'm generally so proud of you.


@-sunlightlane thank you, I appreciate that. So much


beyond proud! you’re so strong! wish you the best of luck!!


Today a pastor in church said this:
          If you can trust a puzzle company to make sure every piece is in the box to complete the puzzle, then why can't you trust God that every piece of your life is there for a reason?
          -pianist247 via Twitter