
I don't know if I'm gonna visit this account again honestly. I don't read fan fiction anymore and have pretty much moved on in my life. I'm also not in the fandom I wrote fan fiction for anymore. I mean I might check in every now and again but over all this might just be good bye. Y'all were great, especially those in the gc. This also means my unfinished works might be staying that way. At least until I get bored enough to finish them. Ig if you want to stay in touch you can follow my tiktok That is my alt tho so don't expect any immediate answers. Anyways, love y'all have a great one <3


@Breadb00 Oh… I get it though 
          	  It was nice to get to know you, you’re a lovely person :] we’ll miss you tons, ly/p <3 Wish you the best in life and pls don’t forget abt us <33


          	  ill mizz u zm. i love you <33


I don't know if I'm gonna visit this account again honestly. I don't read fan fiction anymore and have pretty much moved on in my life. I'm also not in the fandom I wrote fan fiction for anymore. I mean I might check in every now and again but over all this might just be good bye. Y'all were great, especially those in the gc. This also means my unfinished works might be staying that way. At least until I get bored enough to finish them. Ig if you want to stay in touch you can follow my tiktok That is my alt tho so don't expect any immediate answers. Anyways, love y'all have a great one <3


@Breadb00 Oh… I get it though 
            It was nice to get to know you, you’re a lovely person :] we’ll miss you tons, ly/p <3 Wish you the best in life and pls don’t forget abt us <33


            ill mizz u zm. i love you <33


Hey-‍ it’s been like a month or a year since we talked, just checking up on the gc on how it’s going.
          Uhh as for me I’m doing good life has been great for me I meet new friends/gc! I’ve changed a lot as u can see from my acc- and I’m dating someone <3 like actually this time it isn’t for jokes!! 
          I can’t wait for ur response-ig idk 


this message may be offensive
@georgecantwalk oh shit sorry George, that's awesome to hear tho, I hope you're still doing great! <3


New Barista is finally complete!! Woooo! Thank you to anyone who’s been reading as I went, love you guys! I’m really happy it finally got a conclusion. 


I loved reading the whole book but i was sad when my fav blue haired person died


Guys I literally can’t think of what to write for in between what I just wrote like last week and the finale in New Barista TT~TT I’m having like massive writers block for this story rn and I’m so close to finishing itttt


I'm sorry for thanking you this late but i heard that you wished me on my birthday :D 
          Thank you.
          I'm actually happy cus someone remembered my birthday =]
          If you are okey, can we be frends? 


Sorry for replying late I don’t check here often haha


Yeah ofc!


I don’t usually post here but I have a genuine shortish story idea probably be like 5-8 chapters at best. I’ve had the idea for long before I even started writing on here, but it’s a dnf story based off the song Otherside of Paradise by Glass Animals. I just wanted to know if you guys would be interested in reading that?


@Spirithyst that’s not true, I have to use a template for everything since I can’t even draw people 


@Spirithyst I won’t it’s just something I’ve always wanted to write, well animate but I can’t draw so this is the second best thing :]