
this message may be offensive
Okay I take back what I said a few months ago. I need to seriously focus on giving you guys something worth reading and I haven't been doing that. Learning Love will also be taken down because well...its shit. I'm working on a new story where the concept just came to me I have most of the plot worked out but I need the right words and I have to mold these characters into people with real emotions and thought processes even though--spoiler alert--a few of them aren't human. I hope to give you guys something you will all love and enjoy reading. I think the first chapter will be a beautiful beginning for this story seeing as it's the reason I decided to write this book. I have not yet decided on a name and no chapters are currently published or completed, but make sure to watch for the upcoming chapters. Word of warning, the title may undergo a series of changes so don't be alarmed if you don't see it. I'll most likely send a notification that the name has been changed. I'll also be looking for some title options if you guys are willing to help me out.


@Breaker__  I haven't explored enough of your work yet to have a well formed opinion, but just a random thought: maybe long projects aren't right for you at this time. If you love poetry and take pride in your poetic works, why not focus just on that for awhile? We can put so much pressure on ourselves and lose the joy we are supposed to get from creating.


8/14/17 look at that it never happened. Maybe I'm not cut out for writing I don't plan and just give up‍♀️‍♀️


Hey there, Breaker__! I've stumbled upon your page, and was just wondering if you'd mind checking out my new story named, "A Change Of Fate" please? I'm sorry if this is annoying, I just want some feedback on it. Even if you don't read it, thank you.
          - Nettie <3
          Ps. I love your poetry in "Shattered Glass"


@annettex77 Hey annettex77!! Sorry for the late reply life's been hectic and I just haven't found much time to post or even read until now. I'd be happy to read your work and support you as a self titled author lol.


hey again Breaker__ ! sorry if this is annoying, I understand if it is- just ignore me if that's the case. I just wanted to see if you'd be willing to give my new story called Happiness' a chance. it'd be super helpful and appreciated. even if you don't check it out, thank you anyway! 
            much love,
            - annette •••••


Yea sure! I'm totally willing to check out your work and support it! And thanks. I wasn't really sure if it was my best work. I'm writing some new works that I think will be better. Hope you can check those out too!


this message may be offensive
Okay I take back what I said a few months ago. I need to seriously focus on giving you guys something worth reading and I haven't been doing that. Learning Love will also be taken down because well...its shit. I'm working on a new story where the concept just came to me I have most of the plot worked out but I need the right words and I have to mold these characters into people with real emotions and thought processes even though--spoiler alert--a few of them aren't human. I hope to give you guys something you will all love and enjoy reading. I think the first chapter will be a beautiful beginning for this story seeing as it's the reason I decided to write this book. I have not yet decided on a name and no chapters are currently published or completed, but make sure to watch for the upcoming chapters. Word of warning, the title may undergo a series of changes so don't be alarmed if you don't see it. I'll most likely send a notification that the name has been changed. I'll also be looking for some title options if you guys are willing to help me out.


@Breaker__  I haven't explored enough of your work yet to have a well formed opinion, but just a random thought: maybe long projects aren't right for you at this time. If you love poetry and take pride in your poetic works, why not focus just on that for awhile? We can put so much pressure on ourselves and lose the joy we are supposed to get from creating.


8/14/17 look at that it never happened. Maybe I'm not cut out for writing I don't plan and just give up‍♀️‍♀️


Dear lovely followers,
          I have decided to take down Dream and Memory of June. I feel like I didn't really do such a good job on both books, so both will be deleted. Good news though, I will continue to write both, but they will be different from the originals. I hope to do a better job. At the moment, my main priority will be writing Learning Love, so Dream and Memory of June will not be posted for a long while. Be sure to check out Learning Love for me!


Sorry about the extremely untimely updates, but school has me stressed with final exams and all. Please understand that I, like all of you, have a personal life and can't always do things as I please. I will attempt to complete the next chapter of Dream by 5/28 and Memory of June the week after. Thank you for your support and please continue to vote and comment on my chapters :)