
Ok so this was brought to my attention a while ago, I'm just addressing it now in case there's any potential confusion or otherwise.
          	On there's a pair of stores called Incredible Heroes 1 and 2. If you read both stories, you might notice a little bit of a similarity to my own story of Incredible Spider.
          	So I'm going to put this straight, that author and I are not the same person. They claim that the similarities between my story and theirs is purely coincidental, but if you read some of their chapters. Some of them are ripped verbatim from my story. And my story, the bulk of my story was written in 2019 and 2020.
          	Now first and foremost, obviously don't go and harass this person and their audience and say stupid stuff and do stupid things. That's not the point of me bringing this up, but....what I am going to do is this.
          	If nothing else, it seems to me that a large majority of these stories' audiences do not realize that a good chunk of those stories are copied. So please, inform those people. Go to the chapters of the stories that are particularly and egregiously copied from Incredible Spider and point it out.
          	However, and do this too. Compliment the author of those stories on the things that they changed. Because among everything that is copied, there are genuinely whole scenes that are wholly original. So commend the author for the portions that are original to them, but inform the audience on the parts that are copied directly from me.
          	I tried to reach out to the author of those stories independently and tried to point out examples, but they wouldn't listen. So, now I'm making this a public issue so that way people fully understand that this story that they read and that the author is touting as original is for the most part not.
          	I appreciate your existences, be good people about this, be civil about this and most of all
          	Be responsible about this,


@BreakingPointStories @BreakingPointStories you are going to continue the story of helluvas and danny phantom


Tell me, have you thought about the story in which Harry Osborne became Spider-Man? This would be interesting because Harry has always wanted approval from his father, and his father is a villain, and here he will have to make a choice: either get his father's approval and become a villain, or become a hero and go against his father.No one ever wanted to make Harry Spider-Man. This has never happened in comics (although The Flash, Mary Jane, and even Gwen Stacy were like that), and even in fan fiction it wasn't. Therefore, it gives a lot of room for imagination, because Harry is far from the last person in the history of the spider.


DC Comics Superman: Speeding Bullets 1993. Have you read this, if yes, what do you think. I highly recommend it. In this story, Superman fell near the home of Wayne's family, they adopted him and named him Bruce. In short, Superman became Batman. ( ). Think about it, it's cool. Batman, who will not be taken by any weapon, will not be held in any prison. Batman, who can rightly be called a demon. Do you think you could come up with a cool story on this topic?


Hi, I want to recommend you an unusual story with an unusual idea, and I wonder how you would do it if you wrote it.The story could be great. If it is implemented correctly.


@Athrun0505 .....except that's not how that works at all. Especially not with Nezuko


@BreakingPointStories After the death of the fourth moon, Nezuko burned down and ended up in the series, and after the end of the series, she will return back to her brother and this will not greatly affect the anime because Nezuko has the intelligence of a baby.


@Athrun0505 There's no way to do this without ruining the ending of Demon Slayer. I'm not going to do it.



@Athrun0505 if Harry Osborn suddenly makes his own company, and then suddenly a Bat-themed vigilante shows up with a high tech suit, gadgets and vehicles. It won't be hard for anyone with even a smidge of deductive reasoning (like say, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Moon Knight or hell, even Norman himself in his moments of lucid thoughts when he's not the Goblin) can figure out that there's a connection between Harry Osborne and this Batman.


@BreakingPointStories Batman, because of his paranoia, can create his own company (so that no one finds out where he got the toys from) and possibly help Oscorp, because Norman took the serum out of desperation so that his own company would not go bankrupt. And because of this, he may not accept the serum or will accept an improved version.


@Athrun0505 The main issue with that is that Norman ends up committing genuine atrocities as the Goblin and ends up dying by his own glider.
            So unless Batman saves Gwen Stacy and Green Goblin, then things aren't going to go well for either Spider-Man or Batman