
          Dear Breanna,
          To open the innings, you have appeared in my e-mail list as a follower of mine??? What or why you would want to follow a Great Grandfather for is beyond me. Please enlighten me as to what and why.
          To give you a flavour of my sense of humour, my beard started to grow the night of the full moon when my eyes went blood red, literally. 
          My consultant was pleased that I had gone into werewolf mode instead of suing him for his mistake. it took six weeks to clear my eyes up and I was told they would always be bloodshot. (Hence the beard is still growing, putting on a spurt each full moon and whenever my eyes get even redder through pollen.)
          My sight is fine, with glasses 20/40 in one eye, 20/20 in the other. Without glasses 20/2, I can just make out the top letter on the eye chart.
          Have a good weekend.