Sorry guys I am going through a personal problem and I am busy trying to get my life together. But thank you guys for sticking with me though I will try to get my stories done.
Sorry guys I am going through a personal problem and I am busy trying to get my life together. But thank you guys for sticking with me though I will try to get my stories done.
Sorry guys I am trying to finish everything been very busy but thank you to my followers for staying with me even when I've been absent or haven't post a new part or finish the stories yet. So thank you guys so much you mean so much to me for staying with me and true followers to me. Love you all you guys are special to me.
I will be going through my Bad Boyz VS Bad Girlz story and fix some stuff I couldn't do at the time when I posted it too give you guys a little better understanding of the conversations in the stories. Thank you my followers for sticking with me and reading my stories
Sorry guys trying to get my stories done just been busy and stressed out but thank you again for still following me. I promise to try and finish my stories