What's your favorite Soulmate AU type?
Soulmark- the soulmate’s name appears somewhere on the main character’s body, usually in their handwriting. (Ang1)
Countdown- a magic tattoo or special watch that counts down the amount of time until the bearer meets their soulmate.
First Words- Again a tattoo, the first words the soulmate will speak to the MC appear on their body somewhere
Color Blind- Until meeting their soulmate, the world is black and white
Sensory- One of the senses, usually smell, alerts the MC that they have met the one, or ones.
Soulmate Principle- Soulmates are instantly recognizable, usually through lightning or sparks at the other’s touch; Soulmates are bound by a silver cord only they can see, and can communicate telepathically if needed. Soulmates don’t have to be the same species, but it was shown that soulmates couldn’t fall prey to each other’s powers. Ex: Eric being immune to Thea’s love spell. Seen in L.J. Smith’s work, most commonly the Night World series, but also TVD series.
Imprinting- When you lock true eyes with your other part(s), the world shifts, and suddenly it isn’t gravity that holds the MC/soulmate to the earth, it’s that person. Paired with a willingness to be anything and everything the imprintee needs. Bond draws the pair together. Never more than a pair. Seen in Twilight Saga.
Writing Transfer- Whatever one soulmate writes on themselves, it will appear on the other soulmate. Makes for conversation.
Mark Transfer- All foreign marks are shared between soulmates. Tattoos, scars, piercings.