
My updates been coming through steadily so why yall ain’t been reading ? 
          	Tap in fah me yall and really get into it 


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{Funny Excerpt from There For you} Enjoy..
          Frankie started to run to the bus stop shelter a few yards a head of her but tripped and fell. "Ah!" Her heel broke off in a gap on the sidewalk. "Shit." She undid her strapped before attempt to stand. "Ow!" The moment she tried to put pressure on her ankle she winced in pain going down on one knee. A horn blew behind her but she refused to turn around knowing it was Dennis, who was getting on her last nerves.
          "Francesca!" Her head snapped to her left hearing the deep voice and saw Rashad getting out of his car, jogging over to her. "Hold on to me." Bending he scooped her up in his arms bridal style taking her to his car. 
          Pulling his door closed he leaned his head back knocking his hood off before glancing over at her. "Yo I seen when you fell." He was doing a horrible job of not laughing. "You good?" 
          She stared at him before smacking her lips, "I think I sprang my ankle."
          "I'd be shocked if you didn't fuck something up. Ya legs looked like they was on noodle." He laughed wiggling his arm in demonstration to what he saw. "They just crumbled right up from underneath you." 
          "Alright, aight." She whined making him crack up all over again. She had to join him. Her falling wasn't funny at all, his laugh was just contagious. She examined her heel. "Cheap ass shoes."
          "Yeah them things is done." He shook his head at the sight of them before turning his hazards off and putting the car in drive. Before he could lift his foot off the break a silver Toyota SUV pulled in front of him blocking him. "Who the fuck is this?" 
          "Oh my God." She dropped her head in her hand only for her to pop it back up when she caught Rashad reaching underneath his seat. She grabbed his arm wide eye, "Whatchu reaching for? It's just Dennis." 


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            "He's not-"
            Dennis had hopped out his car all animated slamming his fist on Rashad's hood before yanking on her door handle. "Get the fuck outta the car Frankie!"  
            "Oh this nigga got me fucked up." Rashad reached for his door but she grabbed his arm stopping him. 
            "No don't. I got him."
            "Yeah aight." Was his only reply staring passed her at Dennis trying to peer in through his tints.  


My books r old, older than when I joined Wattpad 8yrs ago. I love them so much that I can’t let the stories go..aside from being really good, revamping & finishing them have been therapeutic for me so I hope there r some if not a few readers who enjoyed what they’ve read so far to turn on their notifications n keep up with my latest updates..more coming soon