
Hello everyone, just wanted to say I am rewriting my World of Warcraft: The Tale of Rayleia chapter by chapter if any are interested. Chapter 1 is up now.
          	For the Alliance!


I have truly been enjoying your book and really hoping that you will finish the story! I feel like I am hanging in limbo 
          Do you plan On finishing the book? I see that it's been a year since you have worked on your book.
          Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed what you written so far and would truly love to see your book come to an end.
          I love wow alot enjoy playing the game, so I decided to see if anyone has any books they have written and I found yours. I was hooked from the first chapter and couldn't put my phone down reading your book!
          Take care 


Hi Kristina! Believe it or not I do actually plan on finishing the book and have a few chapters in the works. I really am sorry about the wait, life has been getting in the way as well as other books I have been playing around with (lol I get distracted) Also my computer had an issue and I have been doing most of my writing via phone. I should have at least an updated chapter within the next two weeks. Thank you for commenting, it really makes me happy and motivated to know that someone is enjoying my writing! I will inbox you when I update, cheers! ❤️


Hi sorry for being 2 years late on replying (literally) I’m going to message you soon with some ideas in where my story will be headed and ask for your opinions! Unfortunately for all of you people who want spoilers, me and Lord Draconis will be speaking in private! Talk to you soon, my lord!


@IsaacPurvis If you a hardcore WoW fan, Jason's class will start to become more clear, soon I will be explaining Jason's class and more of the problems he is going through. I don't want to give anything away, but Rayliea's powers will also start to take shape, in the arrival of a new land. To answer your original question I was thinking of just advising some of the simple structure of the story, hopefully to make things be more clear. I just posted a new chapter! Keep reading! -Brie