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I just had a break down.Me and my little sister....{Her Oc's name}Lizzy...kinda got into a arguement and she was yelling at me and stuff.Then I say"Ya'll just don't have pacentice"She starts to get really mad at me and says"Well,you could have been faster!".I don't now why but I just start to cry uncontruleably and tell her"Well i'm sorry i'm not fucking 4 diffrent people!"And she just crosses her arms and says"You don't have to cry about it gesz"I turn around to her and start crying more.I turned back around to the summer sausage I was cutting for them and say"Well,your not the one in fucking 7th grade Lindsey!I already have so much stress on my hands,adding onto our bitch of a mother!"I cried so bad that I couldn't even cut the sausage anymore.I just ran into my dads room and cried into his bed.He kept asking me"What happened?Whats wrong"The I finally told him.
You may be wondering"What's so bad about this"well...the bad part is I was thinking of just killing Lindsey right then and there with that knife....I hate myself for thinking that to.Just thinking if I just stab her now this will all end.But,I didn't and I just ran to my dads room and told him everything and he let me go to my room.So here I am right now......
Me and...Lizzy... are fine now.She came in here trying to give me her summer sausage but I just told her to keep it.But,what hurts me the most is,just thinking that way I did,thinking of killing my own sister.I just couldn't handle it.Every time I think about it I end up crying....
Breeze-pray-sama signing out~