My gf found my account,I’m finna cry

@Breezy0704 That would actually make quite a lot of sense; as usually if she can contact her friend, that's a source of happiness, due to how the feminine mind has worked in history and the like... so why would you be sad if she can contact you, unless she's going to go full-on stalker-girlfriend and the like. In fact, the tale "Stalker Willow" is a story about a guy's viewpoint when his girlfriend goes full-on stalker-girlfriend on him; and it is truly terrifying. His penname in at least one site is "SamJames", and by looking up his pseudonym and that story's title, you should be able to find it, easily.

@Breezy0704 Why? I'd think that'd make you happy, not broken-hearted and sad; especially as it is a new way for her to write to you for one thing.