
Hello everybody I'm sorry I haven't been writing because I was too busy with my life so I'm back of course so I'm trying to redo my book called Alpha King of the Forest. 


          I hope you don’t mind me posting this, but I just started writing my first book. It would mean a lot to me if you had the time to check it out! It’s a fantasy romance book about a human girl named Esmara. She lives in a world that is ruled by seven kinds of shifters. My first book is mostly focused on werewolves but will delve deeper into the other shifters over time. Check my profile for more info! I’ll update every 7-10 days.


Hello everybody I haven't been on here in a long time but The Alpha King of the Forest Book I have to start over it going to the same but different with new characters.
          I'm sorry I haven't finished it because I been depressed and trying to get my life together please understand thank you .


Hello, thank you for following me. Hope you have a lovely day!
          Happy reading and writing,


@Breezy199467 I'm not sure what you mean, would you mind expanding?


@calmwolf hey some of your story do have another on app like ink app free to read