
OMG! I AM ALIVE! AND I UPDATED! I'm sorry for not really being here, I have no excuse for it and I'm sorry. I hope you guys can forgive me ♡ I love you all xoxo


Hi I am just wondering if the alpha thief is discontinued because you haven't updated in a long time


@Dark_Enchantress_560 thank you so much for replying, I hope everything is going well with you 


@Dark_Enchantress_560 It's not discontinued, I've just been very very busy for the past few months. I'm hopefully gonna update soon but I can't tell you when. Sorry.


Yo everyone! I hope everyone is having a great day or has had a great day! I recently changed my username from inspiration001 to Breezy_B00 . All my works are mine but on the covers they all say "By: inpsiration001". I hopefully am going to change all the covers in the near future but with currently events happening in my life right now, I'm not sure when I will get to them.
          Also, I haven't been updating lately, I know that. I am truly sorry for that. But I have been doing a lot of reading in my spare time. This means that if you follow me and have started writing a book or something and you want me to check it out, please just PM me and I will most definitely read your work! I might even comment and vote, you knows ;). !!Remember!! I will only read your work if you FOLLOW ME!! 
          Love you all ♡♡


Hello! So, I discovered you through browsing, and I saw My Warrior Mate, read the blurb, and got interested.  I plan on reading it in my free time, so I followed you for updates!  I hope you can do the same and give me feedback on one of my "popular" books! Thanks!


@KarmaGrace Glad you found interest in one of my books. I will be sure to check out your book(s). Have a great day!


Holy Butter Nuggets! I just hit 100 followers. Like oh my gawd! Thanks to everyone who has followed me! Huge shout out 2 you guys!
          Luv u all lots! Have an amazing day knowing that you made my day!
          Thanks again and...
          -sky out