Hi. I'm rereading Until the last piece that has been sitting in my library since the day I found it.
I do very much like the story.
The first time I read it I was looking for some husband and wife romance. That was it.
Yesterday, I was having a bad day and read it again with a different perspective and in new light. Let me tell you it hits different.
Takes a lot for someone to change and find the strength to forgive even themselves. It takes courage to reconnect with someone they loved that hurt them deep. Those fears are understandable and it is very hard to conquer them. Even if they succeed in doing that, traces still remain.
Though it is not a pro writer work, not that I would know anything about that, it still managed to distract me from the world for a short period of time while I cry in my bed at night. It gained me a bit of energy to actually sleep and get up in the morning.
So thank you for writing a story and let us read. I do appreciate it. Best wishes to you ♥️