
@lilistjames Awww, I miss talking to you as well sweetie! I rarely get on here since I had to study for exam finals and it's been very tiring week for me! But I made amazing grades so it payed off. Haha. But I have more next week :/ Miss you!! :) xx


Because; I’ve been waiting 
          All this time to finally say it 
          But now I see your heart’s been taken 
          And nothing could be worse 
          Baby, I loved you first. 
          Had my chances 
          Could've been where he is standing 
          That’s what hurts the most, 
          Girl, I came so close 
          But now you’ll never know 
          Baby, I loved you first  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Okay guys, listen. Just because some people don't reply to you on comments or when your write on their wall doesn't mean I won't! I've been told people don't talk to me or ask me personal questions because they are scared they won't get a reply. I L.O.V.E talking to and meeting new people so don't be shy! I promise I won't ever ignore any of you beautiful creatures! Love all of you so much you have no idea !<3 xx
          -Brender xo