Hey guys long no see or write I guess. I know its been a long time since i've posted anything, but im really, really trying to get back into writing. After I graduated High school I kinda lost my passion for it, but I honestly miss it and im trying hard to pick up where I left off. With that said its become obvious to me that my writing style has...dwindled, for example I find it hard to provide details to certain things like I have been able to do in my last two books Fighting our Fate and Bounded by blood. However, with a little more work I should be back to my old self. Just gotta oil up my rusted gears I suppose. Speaking of Bounded by Blood, I have started editing it more since its been sitting in my Microsoft word for the past couple months? I think. But I have started editing it! and I plan to make some HUGE changes so if you have read it before I would suggest reading it again because THINGS WILL BE CHANGING. For my book Fighting out Fate, is pretty much done. It has been for two years. I've written the end and everything I just have to write the chapters that lead up to it. I know what direction I want to take but just getting there will take some time, and I plan to go through it and edit it like I have done with Bounded by Blood, because I have re-read both books and just cringe at some of the things that just DONT MAKE SENSE! So I hope to finish both by the end of the year. I have also started to write two new books that have nothing to do with vampires or werewolves which maybe a shocker but I want to try something new. I will probably post a sneak peak of them once I feel the books are at the level that I want them to be, because I really want to do them justice. Consider this my comeback books. But thats all. mostly I hope everyone stays around to see the ending of both books and the start of Bounded by Hate and my two new books!