
Hi all, this is a test!


Please! I need a "human" content moderator read my request #13329269 about Story Removal.
          I have been trying to get in contact with a staff member (not an auto-reply bot) to help me retrieve my story Silent Hill: Angel since APRIL that was wrongly removed :(
          It did not violate content guidelines except for the main character being 15 yo, but the story is HORROR, not romance or anything like that. It didn't even have any kissing scenes for crying out loud!
          It's been 6 MONTHS with no HUMAN HELP. All the replies were auto generated!!!


Hola , perdón por el spam pero por favor denle una oportunidad a mi historia
          Trama : Una joven abogada es secuestrada y a partir de ahí su vida empezará a cambiar radicalmente, desde amenazas , extorsión y abusos , pero ¿ Habrá algo más en la historia de este secuestro? ¿ Quién la secuestro?¿Podrá escapar de su cautiverio?
          Les invito leer la historia y si les gusta terminarla y apoyarla dándole un voto o comentario.
          Muchas gracias 

