
I've lost track of how many times Deku has cried in only theee seasons. Let's see how much he'll cry in season four.


Hello? I was just wondering if you are still alive or not. I actually struggle with the same problem. I am suicidal, I have autism, 80HD, depression, and asthma. My parents also fight a lot of the time. But anyway, I wanted to tell you that I want to be friends, and to tell you that you need to stay alive so you can finish your stories and that you are the only you on this earth. No one can be like you or replace you.


Hello! Yes, sadly, I am still here!


Okay, I have a serious question. What happened? Seriously what happened?


@BriannaCastroYT umm ok? Thanks for answering my question and sorry if I came off as aggressive. And have a nice day!


this message may be offensive
So you're trying to get into my account now like a fucking creep and talking smack instead of telling the truth? Trying to be smart with me Brianna? I'm not that dumb. I changed my password. Nice try. 


Can you ask Brianna what situation I put her in so I can stop being confused? PLEASE? Because as far as I know, I did nothing wrong to her. 


@Harumi_Chan105 You are certainly welcome. I will reply as soon as there is a response from her or I'll simply respond myself.


@Harumi_Chan105 Ah, you must be this Kaitlynn I've heard of, correct? You may correct me if I am incorrect. Pleasure to finally meet you. Sure, I can ask, but I may not possibly get a response. If there is no response from her, I may as well try to reply to this comment to the best of my capabilities.