
Hi friends! Just wanted to leave a message here to let you know that if you post your story on my message board I willed be forced to DELETE IT. Another author’s page is not meant as a place to advertise your own story. My page or the comment section of my book are not meant to be billboards. AND I can tell you from experience, that posting in the comments of another author’s work or on their page does not work to gain reads. 
          	****Some things you can do that have prove success are:
          	❤️ Write ahead so you always have something to post. Don’t start posting your story until you have a lot of chapters in your backlog. 
          	❤️ Have a consistent update schedule and stick to it. Monday/Wednesday/Friday was mine for The Culled Crown (now Of Cages and Crowns) when I started. 
          	❤️ Don’t expect automatic success/tons of reads. A small readership can be just as important as many. Even one person reading matters.
          	❤️ Use your own socials to your advantage. 
          	❤️ Look for user-made books/contests that are ASKING for books to read or are running contests. Apply for the contests Wattpad runs. 
          	❤️Don’t stop writing if the reads don’t show up right away. These things take time. 
          	I hope this helps. I just don’t want you to waste your valuable time posting places that ultimately may not help you be successful (ex. my page!). The above points got me where I am—the first few more than the rest. Writing consistently and posting consistently is matters most. 
          	Good luck!
          	***Please don’t post about your story here or in the comment section of any of my books. I will delete without responding! ❤️ Most other authors will as well. Thanks, friends. 
          	Also while you are here: please pre-order Of Cages and Crowns with the new cover! 


Hii author. I have a small question for you. Permission to ask please.


@sope-my-bais  It's okay and thank you soooo much author. And thanks for the suggestion too. I appreciate it. Damm that must be hard to keep changing it everytime jsksks. Thank you once again. You too have a great day. And and and I love the covers of the books soo much like the colours used are sooo pretty jsksks. 


@sope-my-bais Done! Sorry! It was marked complete before, I keep having to change things for Wattpad (my publisher—eeek) and it takes the complete off with any edit! I’ll make sure it is checked as complete for book two as well. Thank you for reminding me! I didn’t even realize they weren’t checked as completed anymore. :) fyi — Book two is still the rough draft, if you want to read the official published version, you will have to get it as an ebook from Amazon. What is on Wattpad for book two is still the rough draft version, but is readable and will be fine if you can’t get the published ebook. I only suggest it because I think the price for the ebook/coins might be about the same ❤️ the ebook is usually on sale. Anyway, have a great day! 


@BriannaJoyCrump  If you don't mind can you mark your book 'Of cages and crown' as complete (considering it already has a sequel) ? I just wanna check how many total coins I need to unlock the book. I hope I don't sound rude though. :) 


hi!! i love your book series and wanted to know if Of Cages and Crowns book 3 is completed or still ongoing!! I am on book 2 right now and I’m nervous to know if the series is complete.
          Thank you!!


@straightsos Hello! There’s a note at the beginning of book three that explains more in detail, but book three is incomplete on Wattpad and will be that way until it is traditionally published (likely late 2025 or early 2026). Then it will be uploaded on here. For more info, check out the full Author’s Note at the start of book three. I would recommend not reading what is posted of book three as it will not line up with the new versions of the books that have been edited for publication. ❤️


Hi friends! Just wanted to leave a message here to let you know that if you post your story on my message board I willed be forced to DELETE IT. Another author’s page is not meant as a place to advertise your own story. My page or the comment section of my book are not meant to be billboards. AND I can tell you from experience, that posting in the comments of another author’s work or on their page does not work to gain reads. 
          ****Some things you can do that have prove success are:
          ❤️ Write ahead so you always have something to post. Don’t start posting your story until you have a lot of chapters in your backlog. 
          ❤️ Have a consistent update schedule and stick to it. Monday/Wednesday/Friday was mine for The Culled Crown (now Of Cages and Crowns) when I started. 
          ❤️ Don’t expect automatic success/tons of reads. A small readership can be just as important as many. Even one person reading matters.
          ❤️ Use your own socials to your advantage. 
          ❤️ Look for user-made books/contests that are ASKING for books to read or are running contests. Apply for the contests Wattpad runs. 
          ❤️Don’t stop writing if the reads don’t show up right away. These things take time. 
          I hope this helps. I just don’t want you to waste your valuable time posting places that ultimately may not help you be successful (ex. my page!). The above points got me where I am—the first few more than the rest. Writing consistently and posting consistently is matters most. 
          Good luck!
          ***Please don’t post about your story here or in the comment section of any of my books. I will delete without responding! ❤️ Most other authors will as well. Thanks, friends. 
          Also while you are here: please pre-order Of Cages and Crowns with the new cover! 


CYBER MONDAY SALE: Of Cages and Crowns hardcover is $13.99 on AMAZON TODAY! 
          ❤️Link to Amazon: 

          If you would rather buy from Barnes and Noble, you can use the code: CYBER15 and get 15% your entire order, but the book is $18.99 over there. 
          ❤️Link to Barnes and Noble (use code: CYBER15):

          If you would like to shop Indie, this is one of my favorite shops! They are currently not running a sale, so the book will be $18.99 here. However, I love them and would love it if you would support them. 
          ❤️Link to Page 158 Books:

          Thank you so much for supporting me and for loving the series! 
          Brianna ❤️


Hi Friends! I wanted to reach out and thank you for reading Monroe’s story—whether it was as The Culled Crown or as Of Cages and Crowns. The fact that you are here at all, when there are so many books, so many words, and so many characters to choose from means so much to me. I wanted to take a second to express my thanks and to ask one huge favor of you: will you please take one second and leave a review somewhere online! I think the power of a review is often misunderstood. Often we think of book reviews as tools used to influence one reader to the next, but it holds a lot of power in the algorithm in places like Amazon and Goodreads (spaces where I need help getting Of Cages and Crowns seen). The more reviews there are, the more those places will advertise the book. And visibility is a goddess-touched power that could win any Culling and claim any crown. If you have enjoyed the book in any format (on Wattpad or elsewhere), please take a moment to leave a review—even if you just rate the book in stars and nothing else. You don’t have to write anything. Stars are enough. AND (pro-tip) reviews can’t be plagiarized, so copy and paste your review from one space to the next PLEASE! Post it on both Amazon and Goodreads. On Target and Barnes & Noble. On Wal-Mart. On your favorite local bookstore website. In the comments of a tiktok. It would mean the world to me. ❤️ You are all goddess-touched and we are stronger together. LINKS BELOW!



Hey! I’ve seen a lot of this recently and wanted to just save people time—I will delete book advertisements from my wall. All of them. Don’t bother posting them here. My conversation wall is for announcements about my book, my writing, and for my readers to communicate with me about my books. My wall isn’t a billboard. I don’t use other user’s convo walls to advertise my books and I ask that you give the same level of respect to my space and to the space of other authors on this platform. No one likes for people to advertise on their pages. ❤️ Please don’t. Not here and not elsewhere. I would instead suggest apply to contests and searching for books that are ASKING for you to advertise. Do not advertise without people’s consent. It isn’t necessary in order to make it far in Wattpad, I promise. And it is just isn’t super nice. Thanks! :) 


UPDATE: Hey friends. So many of you have been here since I started uploading The Culled Crown in 2018. That book is now in bookstores under the new title, Of Cages and Crowns. Can you believe it? I’m currently REWRITING book two—and taking readers along with me on my instagram story whenever I can. Because I’m rewriting book two for publication, I’ve put a stop on book three here. I haven’t uploaded since August—at that time it was mainly due to some severe mental health issues I was dealing with that I’ve since started to overcome. I was diagnosed with PMDD in January and I have always had severe depression and anxiety. It has taken some time to figure out how to make me feel better. It is still a daily struggle. I feel guilty for leaving you hanging. I plan to write something in the coming weeks to post here for you. It would mean a lot to me if you would follow me on Instagram and interact with me there. I miss the interaction and it’s easier for me to update you on the publishing process and on my daily life on that platform than it is here. I’ll link it and OC&C down below. I understand if you are disappointed that I likely will not be continuing Monroe’s story at this time on Wattpad. This may change at some point. But for now, it’s the right choice for me. Come see me on Instagram—there is a giveaway happening right now. ❤️ All if you are goddess-touched. 



Been here since the start congrats love co


@BriannaJoyCrump I actually ordered it just this morning, I remember reading along when you were still updating it and now on book 3 it's amazing how far the story has come! I'm so excited for when it arrives and can't wait to order the second one <3 I hope you find peace soon and don't feel stressed out over the publication, to me your books are definitely worth waiting for and I'm sure a lot of people share that opinion. I wish you all the best <3


          There is a physical copy book giveaway happening over on my Instagram. Click the link below and check out the caption of the reel to see how you can win a free copy of both my debut, Of Cages and Crowns (previously The Culled Crown) and a physical copy of The Last She by H.J. Nelson (@hjnelson) — if you win, you’ll get hardback of Of Cages and Crowns and you get to pick if you want a paperback or hardback of The Last She. There will also be a $25 Starbucks gift card, some bookmarks, and personalized letters from both Hannah and me.  It’s a awesome opportunity to get some free stuff! Check it out at the link below! Make sure to read the directions in the reel’s caption. 
