

You are so lucky you got to see 1D in concert! :) Can you send me a message & tell me what it was like?


@rachelrsteiner Of course! I'm happy to! You will!! I never thought I'd go, but look how amazing it turned out! :) xx


Thanks so much for sharing your story about going to the 1D concert!! I really hope to go to one someday.


I came to your page after reading a few chapters of The Boy Next Door, then realised who you were...! Cannot believe how far you've come since I last read some of your books! And I definitely do not find you a boring person, so pleaseeee take that down from your about...its not true! Lol :P Btw if you're confused who I am, I'm @Music_Maniac/ @Skittles74, I keep changing my name haha. :D Message me if you wanna chat


@BriannaNewland All good! My pleasure haha, it's just very true :) x


@Caspers_Girl Oh my God! Hiii! Thank you so much for the lovely words! My day has officially been made thanks to you!♥♥ I really appreciate it!! :) x


I'll update as soon as I can. Sorry for this long break, but my heart still hurts after Zayn leaving. I will continue to love and support all five of them, and Zayn will always and forever be part of One Direction. I'll write when I am my 100% again. :) Hope all is well. xx


I love that Wattpad shows you where your readers are from! That is so cool! So many people from America, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, India, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Germany, The United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Canada, Mexico, and so many others! It's mind blowing!