Brianshooter672 ~ For those who supported Israel


Great book my friend I just Che ked it and it's really interesting, enough to make you a good judge of a book, I need that, an opinion on my newly published story if it is possible, I would appreciate that a lot.


Hey bro, how is going?


@Brianshooter672 I am reading Blue Archive: the land of the unknown 


@Brianshooter672 say bro if I remember correctly Iran is now in civil war?
            And I remember UN trying to reach the same level with OFN but it won't be easy right?
            Also I am reading another fanfic 


Hello man how are you doing?


@Joewhitea well there's two for choice for Hamas, either disband their group and join the PLO or do something really really stupid like go up against the Superior fore. And as for Radical Islamic group, I wouldn't a worried so much since JIA always keep a close watch on them and also, Osteria Islam know better than to be used or brainwash by the Extremist Muslim's groups. Besides, didn't dumb Radical Muslims call magic or Element 148 as the dark art? Only a total paranoid idiot would follow Bible or Al-Quran warning too seriously that make them do something too far


@Brianshooter672 Oh that good one. But how about Hamas?
            And I kinda worried if Palestinians dare to break the rules and promote radical islam in any OFN memeber states


@Joewhitea well for one, Palestina and its people are protected by OFN Peacekeepers if IDF try to anything funny from harassing the people. OFN only care about Neutrality and getting the Palestina their own independence is a good way to protect them incase Israel try to invade the Country, International law dictate that no shouldn't be invade without any proper reason and if Israeli did that, it should give the UN or OFN a good reason to Sanctions them