
I'm almost finished with the second book of the Broken Code, but i still can't help but remember the end of Vision of Shadows XD
          	the Clans: Shadowkit why were you in the river?!
          	Shadowkit: oh, some dead peeps told me to drown myself so y'all would be friends again :D
          	the Clans: *looks at Starclan* what the flip?!
          	Starclan: well it WORKED didn't it? =3=


I'm almost finished with the second book of the Broken Code, but i still can't help but remember the end of Vision of Shadows XD
          the Clans: Shadowkit why were you in the river?!
          Shadowkit: oh, some dead peeps told me to drown myself so y'all would be friends again :D
          the Clans: *looks at Starclan* what the flip?!
          Starclan: well it WORKED didn't it? =3=


          I'm not dead, I'm just mostly on my other account. I've also been working on a fan series ^_^ It's called Warriors: Rise of the New Clans. 
          I'm hoping to have the prologue published soon but I'm still working on putting together the allegiances. So yeah, that's what I've been up to  ^_^


I don't think i'll be writing stories for a while. A lot has been going on and i just don't know if i can keep up mentally. but i promised you guys a story, so i'll have it this saturday. it's a done deal promise. I'll post what i got so far for you guys. But yeah, stuff has been going on. If you want to ask about why i have been a mess, feel free to message me, i don't mind explaining. plus, it's nice to have someone to talk to


TTwTT Getting sidetracked again
          but hey, I FINALLY GOT THE NEWEST WARRIORS BOOK! Well, I ordered it from the library but STILL!
          and may Leafpool rest in peace *Le sad*
          My review of the book so far:
          I like how the main series has changed the point of view to a different clan. It's always been Thunderclan's pov (not that i  have anything against it) Anyway, its nice to see new characters and be able to view the daily life of a different clan.
          in other news:
          IM OBSESSED WITH BTS AGAIN. idk why i ever forgot about it. (you can never leave owo they always get ya back) anyway BTS IS LIFE
          OK BYE :D and yes I'm still working on the story. Give it time


The newest book I have is Squirrelflight'a Hope


Okay, since lately ive been getting flodded with warriors story ideas i decided to keep my stories on hold for a while longer and write one in the point of view of my favorite character Squirrelflight. I appoligize for the sudden hold up but i am still keeping my promise of a story for you guys! I won't let you down!


Getting so many ideas for storys that i can't keep track of them >.< 
          I still need suggestions for my main warriors fan series. some ideas i had were these. go ahead and comment either new ideas or even take a vote on which title you like ^_^
          Fan Title ideas:
          Warriors: The New clans
          Warriors: Clans Reborn
          Warriors: A New Age
          so far that's all i got :3


The story im currently working on as a part of my warrior series is Briarpelt's Destiny. It's gonna be a sort of super edition. So stay tuned cause it's gonna be a LONG TIME before i can finally publish it. WISH ME LUCK


So yeah, I still live. I just have been going through a lot. I moved to Michigan to be reunited with my birth mother, I have a boyfriend that im in a happy relationship with, and well, life is currently okay. Oh, and I now have limited internet access bc my parents are afraid of the internet -_-# (just my luck) but i am working on a brand new Warriors fan series! It'll be a long while til i publish it here though. also it took me a long time to find out that the main warriors series had continued with the Broken Code. I CAN'T WAIT TO GET IT!!! Well, i don't have much time so i might disappear more often every now and then.
          UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN! OH and if you want me to add your character to my series just send me a message of your characters name, clan, and personality. 


oh yeah, another part of my disappearance is thanks to DEPRESSION. Yeah, ive gone through some personal stuff, but hey, im alive :D