
@PrinceKenzie I'm really sorry to see you go, but I completely where you're coming from. It's not always easy to feel the ambition to write when people are constantly beating you down for your opinions and beliefs. However, I just wanted to share with you that Pleasure Doing Business is actually the very first Gay romance that I have ever read on Wattpad and it is one of the best books that I have read on Wattpad so far. I actually read pretty much all of your books on here and I completely loved them all XD. And I know this doesn't seem like much, but I come from a religious and very close-minded family and your books actually gave me the courage to accept myself as a Bi- sexual teen and stop feeling like there is something wrong with me for being attracted to females as well as males. I guess I'm just telling you this because want you to see that although there may be some haters out there, stories like yours can actually help people like me become more confident and accepting in who they are, because they kind of show us that we're not alone. So thank you and I hope you get everything you need sorted out and keep writing, because you touch people more than you may know. Love you, and your books and I wish you luck in all of your endeavors (ooh big word).


@PrinceKenzie I'm really sorry to see you go, but I completely where you're coming from. It's not always easy to feel the ambition to write when people are constantly beating you down for your opinions and beliefs. However, I just wanted to share with you that Pleasure Doing Business is actually the very first Gay romance that I have ever read on Wattpad and it is one of the best books that I have read on Wattpad so far. I actually read pretty much all of your books on here and I completely loved them all XD. And I know this doesn't seem like much, but I come from a religious and very close-minded family and your books actually gave me the courage to accept myself as a Bi- sexual teen and stop feeling like there is something wrong with me for being attracted to females as well as males. I guess I'm just telling you this because want you to see that although there may be some haters out there, stories like yours can actually help people like me become more confident and accepting in who they are, because they kind of show us that we're not alone. So thank you and I hope you get everything you need sorted out and keep writing, because you touch people more than you may know. Love you, and your books and I wish you luck in all of your endeavors (ooh big word).


Hey guys, I posted a new chapter of Overdose, however, it's private, so you'll have to fan to read it sorry. Wattpad's rules, not mine. Anyway, I would really appreciate some feedback. This story is not as "innocent" as WSMP so I really want to know what you guys think. Thanks guys, LOVE JU <3


I just need to rant to you guys for a second. This weekend I actually met a white guy that was literally appalled that a white man could ever want a black woman as if it was a deadly sin but said it was completely ok for a black man to be in a relationship with a white woman and I don't think I have ever wanted to slap someone so hard especially when he couldn't believe that my ex boyfriend was white as well. Ignorant people make me so mad. Rant over.