
Wish me luck today! We're having another competition!!
          	Also, thank you for 97 followers!


@SaweetieJae Thanks, but it already happened. We came in 4th place


Wish me luck today! We're having another competition!!
          Also, thank you for 97 followers!


@SaweetieJae Thanks, but it already happened. We came in 4th place


Hello, everyone! This is another update on my life, lol.
          I was in school for two and a half days this week due to snow.
          I got an 80% on my Egypt test, but in my defense, my teacher gave us the wrong test and will curve the grade while knocking off some of the questions that were incorrect. (Thank goodness)
          I have another Winter Guard competition this coming Saturday!
          I also have a party on Friday night with my school's band as a reward for auditioning for All-State band (I didn't make it (••;) but I still get to go just for trying)
          I'm trying to plan out the last bit of mokke Princess and deciding if I want to make a squeal to it one day. I'm also brainstorming ideas for my next work (let me know if you have any ideas), but I was thinking something to do with Reverse Falls.
          Anyway, that's my life. :p


@Briethecheese13 P.S. Thank you for 94 followers! ^-^


Happy Valentines Day, everyone!
          Do you have any special plans for the holiday? A special someone, perhaps?
          Personally, I'm single this year, but I'm going to be going to a Girl Scout party to celebrate!
          Hope that you have fun and be safe! ♡♡


          My history teacher today 5 minutes before our test: "I would love to be married to a mafia boss. I'd be rich and protected."
          I was laughing so hard TvT


@Mushy21200 @AngryCornstarch The funniest part about all of this is that my history teacher is a middle-aged white married man


*rolls in* henlo fellow TBHK fan