
I've been writing a Doctor Who/Sherlock fanfic for a little while. Once I get farther into it, I may post it.


Sorry I haven't written in a LONG time. I feel soooo bad. I don't know, just really busy I guess. 
          How many shows do you guys watch at once? I watch a lot. Its really bad, probably not healthy. I watch: Agents of Shield, Doctor Who, Arrow, The Flash, Heroes, The 100, and I think that's it. Wow, 6 shows. Any way, I will try to write more.


Hey Yall!!!!!!  First of all, so sorry I haven't written anything or even  posted a comment, in like weeks.  But I have my reasons.  The first is school, just school, and the second is, I broke my arm. Its not that bad of a break, and I've already had it on for 2 weeks, buts its harder to type. And if I want to type, its slow, and I get impatient, and my arm gets tired, like right now.... But anyways, I'm getting the cast of next week(the same week season 3 of Agents of SHIELD premiers!) and I will try to write more. Adios!


Hello, Midgardians! School has sadly started, so this means I won't be able to write as often as I used too(which was not a lot :)) But I will still try.  Percy Jackson's birthday was a little while ago, I hope you celebrated! Who's excited for Capt 3?!?!?!?!?