
((Whoa bro I just remembered about this account and it's been over a year, everyone is dead and there are weeds everywhere!!))


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Chihiro: fak da police *walks around with sunglasses and baggy pants*
          ヽ(´∇´)ノ (∇´ノ) ヽ(   )ノ (ヽ´∇) ヽ(´∇`)ノ
          Kuma: this is why you don't have any friends o(-`д´- 。)
          Chihiro: Bishamon's my friend...(。┰ω┰。)
          Bishamon: ;D
          Kuma: Yeah but that dumb fuck is friends with any girl (¬_¬)
          Bishamon: fight me! (ง •̀_•́)ง
          Chihiro: ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )


          who else is spending their day doing nothing productive? xP 
          hope everyone who under the "happy valentines day" section is having or about to have a good time
          and for all you forever alones i feel ya ;A; we just need to keep telling ourselves lies to make ourselves feel better XD)


@WolfWarrior296  (lucky you eAe)
          Shouma's eyes shifted over to the girl who stood over him, "Huh?" He said when he first noticed her, "Oh hey can I help you with something?" He asked with a slight wave of his hand and grin.


@WolfWarrior296 Shouma's tail swayed as he tried to recall if he had heard of that place before, "Ah! I remember where it is! I'll show you", he said


@WolfWarrior296 (Aw dude I replied to myself up there is your reply ^)


@TheOceansFlow  Shouma's grin widened and he sat up quickly, "Well you've come to the right place! Where you headed to on this fine day?" He asked in a cheerful tone.


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(Nuu I'm staying up too late! EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS!! And even worse it's a chemistry one OAO)/ kill me now! I need my sleep so I don't fall asleep during the test! ;O; 
          Good night/afternoon/morning!! I'm going to sleep see you all again in less than 18 hours! :P)


@WolfWarrior296 (alrighty then! Sorry but after this reply I'm heading to dreamland cause I've got a chemistry midterm tomorrow ;___; I guess I'll just start wit setting the scene and I frosting him :P)
            It was a cloudy day outside, the wind was blowing lightly and the clouds covered up the sun everyone once in a while. This provided a certain black haired make with gray catlike ears with shade as he laid on the grass that seemed to green to be real. He was staring at the large white pillows in the sky and just enjoying the day.