I have loved reading since I could read and I can still recite the entire story of my first bath book (Freddy Frog if you're interested)! I also love writing but don't get to do it often enough. I am trying increase the amount of time I devote to writing and be a bit more focused about what I write (I have a tendency to write random snippets on scraps of paper and never do anything with them). I'm about 8000 words into a first draft of a novel which is set in Glasgow and currently has a weak plot but strong characters. I hope to use Wattpad as a place to share short stories.

Inspiration comes from: Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, John Steinbeck, Jack London, George Orwell, Sara Paretsky, Amy Tan, Ken Kesey, Sarah Waters, Charlotte Perkins Gillman, Carson McCullers, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Suzanne Vega, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Eleanor Brown, Alan Sillitoe, Ernest Hemmingway, Nevil Shute, Nell McCafferty, Khaled Hosseini, Eamonn McCann, Judith Kerr, Yvonne McGory, Marita Conlon-McKenna, Michelle Magorian, Louise Welsh, Kurt Vonnegut, Olaf Stapledon, Ali Smith, Michael Rosen, Mark Haddon, John Pilger and more.

More about me - I'm in my early 30s, a journalism graduate, a lesbian, I enjoy travelling, gigs and miso ramen. I work in the glamorous world of public sector communications...

I love to travel and have lived in Scotland, Ireland, Canada, Japan and Australia. I've traveled extensively throughout Europe and India. Next on the list are China and Vietnam.

I am currently living in Sydney with my partner - we have been here 3 months and haven't seen a spider yet, long may it continue.
  • JoinedAugust 16, 2013

Stories by BrightonHaze