
After I've finished SE, I'll be working on another instalment in the Time series. The next one will be titled 3 Seconds and is about Tamzin(n very insane girl) finding her sanity Freya(a very frightened girl)
          	3 Seconds will probably clash with PGT(Popular Girl's Tomboy) so there might be delays and confusion.
          	Love ya'all


After I've finished SE, I'll be working on another instalment in the Time series. The next one will be titled 3 Seconds and is about Tamzin(n very insane girl) finding her sanity Freya(a very frightened girl)
          3 Seconds will probably clash with PGT(Popular Girl's Tomboy) so there might be delays and confusion.
          Love ya'all


Sorry for the delay in SE, I've been suffering terrible writers block. But I'm pleased to announce the first chapter of Popular Girl's Tomboy will be out soon! Anyone looking forward to the Not Cool prequel?! Huh?!
          Warning you now, its rated R because Rachel... well... you'll see.


Heya, it's Emil here!
          Sorry I haven't updated anything in a while! I've been busy with school work, family and friends and the ridiculous amounts of other stories that I'm working on! I promise I'll post the next chapter of Saving Emily in the next few days!
          Love ya'all


What's up everyone?! It's Emil here! Sorry for the delay in Saving Emily I've just been dealing with a new thing that people call 'real life' and so have been super busy! But I promise I'll get another chapter up sometime this month!