
Okay. New plan. "Shadows of the Realm" is now on hold until I have another backlog. I want to write a different story actually there's a couple - and I don't really want to stress right now. Sorry.


Right, so the reason I'm now taking ages - again! - to update is because I've been away and also because I no longer have a backlog of chapters to post :-/  which I like to have because then I can change things and avoid contradicting myself. I've decided I'll tidy everything up once it's finished and I apologise now for any spelling mistakes or plot mistakes I make while I try and finish this. If you're still reading it, thank you for being patient :)


          I'm going to tidy up my 'Shadows of the Realm' fic a bit vis a vis the first few chapters. I will update soon, I just don't have a laptop or anything at the moment and it's really hard to type 4-5000 words on your phone and then edit it :P thank you if you are still reading, you are incredibly patient and I hope you have faith enough in me to finish the story :P I'm not even halfway through *sighs* x


My publications are still going through an editing phase, so if you see a mistake that I've missed, please say so! :) pretty please....
          Also, a huge thank you to everyone who's been reading my stories. Seriously, you cannot imagine how amazing it feels and how proud I feel - I know, it's absurd :P - and please tell me what you think! I may be writing it, but you guys are reading it! I just need help, I guess :P
          Now, go to the kitchen, boil that kettle, brew a cuppa, and treat yourself to a dark chocolate digestive :P
          Have a good day guys :)