Hello there and welcome to the world of my imagination. I currently specialize in the Fantasy genre, but will occasionally branch out when inspiration strikes. The ultimate goal is to become an author, whether I self-publish or have assistance in that area. I hope you're able to enjoy these stories. Any and all feedback would be lovely. Thank you in advance for simply clicking on this profile. 💜
  • RegistriertJanuary 15, 2022

Geschichten von BrixoJade
Son of Moros von BrixoJade
Son of Moros
|| (A/N) Disclaimer: This is a series based on character "solos" rather than an actual book. If the...
Freeing Faith von BrixoJade
Freeing Faith
"I'm scared, Tom," I admitted through a whisper inside the bathroom stall, though my private office...
Shattered von BrixoJade
A poem book dedicated to the decline of mental health. Remember that you are not alone. Help will always be w...
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