
@markipler96 Who wouldn't?


All the world's a stage, the men and women merely players. And you are the star. So start acting like it. 
          Listen, you're sweet and wonderful and helpful and everyone loves you, even if they won't admit it. Trust me. 
          But did it ever occur to you that you might be TOO helpful?
          Far too many people spend their lives trying to please everyone. Yeah, that's a problem. 
          Because it's impossible. 
          I'm not one to admit when something is impossible, believe me. But this is the one exception. You CAN'T please everyone because everyone wants different things for you. Maybe your parents want you to be a lawyer, or your Romeo/Juliet wants you to spend time with them more often. Tell them to stop that. 
          Now, I'm not saying to stop HELPING people. Many people find their true happiness from helping others. But do what YOU want to do. If you can find happiness by helping people, then by all means, go for it. If happiness to you means being an astronaut, start researching NASA. If singing is your passion, start recording. If you want to build a homeless shelter, find some materials. Do what makes YOU happy, and you'll BE happy. 
          Here is my best advice to you:
          •Don't give up. Ever. 
          •Don't be afraid to dream. 
          •Don't try to please everyone. 
          •You're not a paint-by-numbers, you're a blank canvas ready for some color. Don't let anyone else hold the paintbrush. 
          •Don't forget how great you have it. Remind yourself it could be worse, and that it WILL get better if it's bad. 
          •Don't lie to yourself. Some people will say "always smile no matter how rough it gets"—you don't have to be afraid to show your emotions. If you need a good cry, or a scream into a pillow, do it. 
          •Don't forget how absolutely PERFECT you are. Go find a mirror. You see that? That's the face of total PERFECTION.
          And last, but not least, my favorite quote: 
          •One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching. -Gerard Way
          So long, and goodnight. 