@_demiurge Three Things: One, disabled people already couldn't get married without the government basically seeing them as a child and their spouse a parent. (One of the reasons I think I could never get married.) That spouse would make every medical, financial, and life choice for them, while they have no say.
Two, was what I was talking about. There were nine laws protecting disabled people protected by Roe. Such as the law that says that we won't be put in nursing homes of psych wards, can attend public school, ect. Now that they're coming after them? That's in danger.
Three, disabled people are three times more likely to have... Non consensual fun time. They also are over five more times likely to die during pregnancy, and even more likely to die or become further disabled during birth. Also? They're four times more likely to have complications with the fetus.
Now, what does all this mean? Disabled people could soon be thrown into mental institutions, assaulted as children, and have to have a child that could just suffer and die with both of them. And they are already being treated as property by the law.
The most common thing to go wrong is etopic pregnancy with normal people. Which is bad enough! Imagine knowing you're a ticking time bomb on a bany that won't survive.
Disabled people need this to be back in place. Or we'll die.