So, I've been nominated by @catmai to name my three favorite songs with you which will be very difficult but here goes. In no particular order:
1) Sanctuary by Paradise Fears- they're a little band that make amazing covers and even better original and this song just calms me down whenever I'm upset. It makes me believe that everything really will be alright.
2) Princess Charming by Megan & Liz- yes, you read that right. PrinceSS Charming! I absolutely adore this song because it's my girl power song. I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to no matter what society says!
3) Just Give Me a Reason by P!nk (Pink)- This one was tough because P!nk is such an amazing and empowering artist that to pick simply one song to be a favorite above the rest is so difficult! The reason why I chose this was because it really means a lot to me personally. It reminds me of my ex and how I noticed that our relationship was spiraling downwards before I really took notice of it. It reminds me of how long we were together along with the memories. The good, laughs, hugs, kisses, movies, and games, and the bad, the arguing, the fighting, the snapping, and the pain overall, teach me what to look for and what not to look for. This song reminds me of him and how I'll miss him being by my side but it also makes me stronger.
I NOMINATE: @shadow0heart, @JCRavens, and @KilldeerCheer!