
Lol, sounds like it :P I was born here, in India, but I was raised around the world :D My best mate, Paul, he calls me an Anglo-india-yank lol, I just moved back to India from England a couple years ago! But I have an American accent X). Where bouts in England are you from? I used to live in Canterbury! I used to live in Cali too :D In San Jose :) The military, that sounds amazing, my granddad was just a math nerd lol, and my dad too.
          - Krisha :)


Is your fiance French by any chance lol? Its just his name sounds it. I actually wanted to do law, my parents are a little orthodox though so they didn't really want me to take it (in my family its either become a doctor or an engineer lol).  
          - Krisha :)


You're lucky being the oldest :) I'm the youngest on my Dads side and eldest on my Mom's but I rarely see them so I always feel like such a runt lol. Jeez! How are you going to manage the twins and going to university?! Or are you going to take a year off? One of my friends did that, she's in the UK though, I'm not too sure how lenient schools are in America. What's your major? I'm applying for either Electronic or Mechanical Engg :D (if I get the grades of course lol).
          - Krisha :)  


Wow! Lol that is kind of strange! My mom and my aunt (her sister) were like that, they both got pregnant around the same time, thank god it was my mom first otherwise I would have been the younger one again :P My cuz was born exactly a month after me though X). Sorry for the late reply! I had to get to bed, my revision days are going on so I sadly have a bedtime :P. Parents! What can you do? Hope all is well.
          - Krisha :D


Wow! That's pretty surreal, I'm not sure how my mother handles just me (I'm an only child) but six, kudos to your grandmom! I'm honestly really happy for you :D!!!. I have a real soft spot for mothers to be. Its kinda weird that I know a quite a few lol, seems like just yesterday we were all kids.
          - Krisha :D