Hello there random-person-randomly-reading-this.

Damn it, I'm awkward at introductions. At least this is typewritten...

My name is Emmanuel (not my real name) and originally came from fanfiction.net. That's right people, I'm an otaku! :D

Here's a quick summary if you don't want to read a 10-page essay of my boring life. And the 2000 word limit might kill me.

Gender: Female
Age: It's between 1-100
Interest/s: drawing, writing, and other things that I have yet to realize while I type this "About Me" background.
Others: Friends with Nomikaft and Nymphadonite (noticed how they both start with the letter 'n')

...that's it. If you count knowing all the members, then yes. But I appreciate the others, just can't remember them in the long run.

Anywho, if you want a chat or ask, feel free to click the message box. =D
  • In the Ends of Forever
  • JoinedFebruary 10, 2015
