I am so sick and tired of my family telling me I am not trying hard enough to find a job!
It took me from January of last year until October to find a "real job", and then I left that place to explore a different opportunity in December, only to be laid off not even two weeks into the new job. Since I was laid off, I have been interviewing like crazy, at least 3-4 interviews per week, only to be ghosted, strung along through multiple interviews, and make it to the final interview to be rejected, or be flat out rejected before I even get the chance to interview. So don't tell me that I am not trying to find a job, when I am trying so hard!
Believe me, I don't like having to check my email the very moment I wake up. I don't like having to search for jobs for hours upon hours, tailoring my resume to every posting, and having to tweak my cover letter for each application.
This job market is so awful! And being told by my own family that I am not trying hard enough is not helping. I am a driven person! I like working! I don't like sitting around my house all day!
Sorry everyone, I just had to get this off my chest!