There's a spider in the corner of the roof and there's not enough room for the two of us in here, i'm moving to Canada :)
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There's a spider in the corner of the roof and there's not enough room for the two of us in here, i'm moving to Canada :)
There's a spider in the corner of the roof and there's not enough room for the two of us in here, i'm moving to Canada :)
im kind of losing interest in writing these past few days, but i think that's because school, i still need to fill out my fasfa application, bare with me guys :(
@Brookelenne_Slaye i know how you feel about the fasfa i have to wait until January now to start my classes but i hope you get everything figured out
Shut up and suck my dootie booty
I watched venom let there be carnage and I have a full as rant to go on.... WARNING: SPOILERS So I kinda liked the movie, but it really didn't live up to my expectations since I really loved the first one and was thinking that it's sequel would be giving more...more. Anyways, Venom's jokes carried the movie, however, I felt that it was too much of him and Eddie arguing and too little of getting into the plot. Cletus was a shitty villain in terms of him not REALLY having a motive, him and Francis were in the movie for what reason exactly?? And don't get me started on carnage, omfg, like I was in love with the scene where they escaped the execution but like that's it, they didn't even get into why Carnage wanted to kill Venom as soon as he met Cletus, he just did for some odd reason. The producers and directors could've at least done a damn flashback to give us lore, but no, nothing, nada, he just said "I wanna kill this nigga" And omfg that final boss fight was NOT it, it was giving very much Spider-Man 3 which was another hot ass mess, but that's a discussion for another day. Anyways, the movie ending was cute, and that scene after the credits with Peter rebuilt my hope if there's gonna be a 3rd Venom, I just hope it's better than this hot mess. Venom and Eddie are still daddy tho :P
@Brookelenne_Slaye 6/10 aint bad im still finna see that shit to have sumn to talk ab
@Brookelenne_Slaye no bc we were gonna see that tonight and youre scaring me-
Not me getting writer's block for a prologue this is so pathetic *sigh*
@Brookelenne_Slaye u need to get your pussy eaten! I need to read this prologue sis
Just published Adorned By Him, check it out ✨
So i'm somewhat back from my break, i needed time for myself and i still do tbh, but i'm dropping a book for you guys quite soon. AND THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 1K FOLLOWERS For my readers who were reading His Prized Obsession, Love Galore, or Pleasure toy, they've been deleted, but don't worry loves, I'm revamping them because I felt they were kinda cringe, just know that everything will take time, therefore i'm only publishing one book which will have slow updates. AND THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 1K FOLLOWERS it's so crazy how we hit that goal in less than a year i joined on here, love you guys to the moon and back ✨
@Brookelenne_Slaye congrats on the followers and take your time with your books bc there is no rush. love you♥️
i'm slowly starting to see the hype about vinni hacker chile...
I need to get this FASFA application done omfg i'm under stress (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
Instagram is down so I have no choice but to update HPO (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
@princesscece15 ohh yes, i'm currently in the workings of updating, hopefully by tonight or tomorrow you can get that
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