
Tonight is the first show of 12 Angry Jurors... I'm Juror #9, and I'm freaking out! *hides under blanket*


I have now officially realized just about how much time I actually spend here on Wattpad.. I mean, just within 30 minutes I have been on here, updating my story, not onece but TWICE. I mean, even if I'm just reading, I am still on here! lol I can now officially say that I have Wattapia (my version of Wattpad syndrome)


@Brookerox07 is the second book of the lunar chronicles good? I read the first one and really liked it but am having a hard time deciding whether or not to read the next one. 


Oh, and you're lucky! I read the first one, then had to wait a whole YEAR to read the next one! Then, after I read that one, I had to wait another year for "Cress".. And I am currently waiting another year fort he last one, "Winter" lol.


Oh my God, YES! I'm in love with 'the Lunar Chronicles"! The second one pretty much flip-flops between Scarlet (and Wolf) and Cinder. I really like this book because it introduces new characters. I've already read the third one, "Cress", and that one is pretty amazing to. I mean, I guess it kind of depends on what you like, but if you really likes the first one, then you should also love the next two. If you read it, then tell me what you think about it! I don't know anyone else who has read it... Hahaha thanks for sharing my love for these books :)


I love art to. At my school, I go to this art competition called VASE, and it's amazing. All of the young artists, in high school, come from all around, and enter art pieces. It's a competition for UIL, and your entry gets judged to see if you get to move on to state. This year I entered a photograph and a painting. Is there anything like this where you live?


Also, while I'm already on my "message board", I guess I might as well ask if anyone else is looking forward to the release of "Cress", Marissa Myers newest edition of her"Lunar Chronicles"? Seriously, I'm soo excited! I guess technically I've been waiting two years for this book.. Anyways, the release is on the fourth this month (Feb), and I already have it pre-ordered! I keep hoping that they'll make a movie, but I suppose they're waiting for the rest of the series to be released.. The next, and last, book of the series comes out next year, so, in other words, they probably won't make the first movie until about five years have passed. So, until then, we'll (the readers) just have our imagination ;)


So, i've been thinking of starting another book? The first one just didn't really go where I wanted it to.. So, I thought I would start a new one, one that's not based off of Adventure Time. I have a few ideas, so I guess i'll start here pretty soon, but I won't post until it's done.. maybe lol