
Hello everyone! Long time no see huh? I’ve been thinking for a while, and it pains me to come on here and give this announcement to you all, but I know I need to. 
          	I want to start by saying THANK YOU to all of you. Throughout my time on wattpad, you have all been so kind and supportive. I have had many laughs with all of you, and I am so thankful to have met so many wonderful people through this app. I have made many friends on here, and I will forever cherish those friendships and memories I have made, thanks to Wattpad. 
          	It is with much sadness that I have decided to say goodbye to my time on Wattpad. As many of you know, I haven’t been active in MONTHS! I am truly sorry for not popping in every once in a while. I just haven’t had the time. 


          	  My frennnnnnn noooooooooo ;( I understand completely that you’re busy, but I don’t want you to go :( I’m thankful and grateful that I met you! ❤️


I’m getting to a point in my “highschool career” that I just don’t have a lot of time to be on this app. I just wanted to come on here and let everyone know because I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye❤️
          	  I will forever be thankful for the friendships, memories, books, and so much more that I have experienced on this app. SENDING ALL MY LOVE TO YOU ALL!! <33
          	  I won’t be deleting my account, I just won’t be active. 
          	  If you want to stay in contact with me, feel free to message me! If you’d like, I will happily give you my snapchat, instagram, email, etc!! 
          	  MUCH LOVE, and goodbye everyone❤️❤️❤️
          	  -brooke :)


Hello everyone! Long time no see huh? I’ve been thinking for a while, and it pains me to come on here and give this announcement to you all, but I know I need to. 
          I want to start by saying THANK YOU to all of you. Throughout my time on wattpad, you have all been so kind and supportive. I have had many laughs with all of you, and I am so thankful to have met so many wonderful people through this app. I have made many friends on here, and I will forever cherish those friendships and memories I have made, thanks to Wattpad. 
          It is with much sadness that I have decided to say goodbye to my time on Wattpad. As many of you know, I haven’t been active in MONTHS! I am truly sorry for not popping in every once in a while. I just haven’t had the time. 


            My frennnnnnn noooooooooo ;( I understand completely that you’re busy, but I don’t want you to go :( I’m thankful and grateful that I met you! ❤️


I’m getting to a point in my “highschool career” that I just don’t have a lot of time to be on this app. I just wanted to come on here and let everyone know because I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye❤️
            I will forever be thankful for the friendships, memories, books, and so much more that I have experienced on this app. SENDING ALL MY LOVE TO YOU ALL!! <33
            I won’t be deleting my account, I just won’t be active. 
            If you want to stay in contact with me, feel free to message me! If you’d like, I will happily give you my snapchat, instagram, email, etc!! 
            MUCH LOVE, and goodbye everyone❤️❤️❤️
            -brooke :)


HI EVERYONE!!! it’s been so long!! i’m so sorry for being MIA the past couple months, i’ve been busy with work, sports practices, and i’ve also had some health problems, so i’ve been stressed about all of that. BUT great news!! i am back FOR GOOD!! no more breaks, i have a ton of free time now, and i’ve missed talking to so many people everyday, especially my best fren @newsiesfan15 <33 i’ve also missed being on this app daily too! so i am here to stay, and not going anywhere anytime soon! :) i probably won’t update any books, but i will be reading all of your book updates!! love you all, and i am so glad to be back babes!
          much love, 
          brooke <33


Dear ma’am, you might not see this, but happy 2 year anniversary of our first time talking to each other! You are my best fren on here and I’m glad we started talking! I hope for you to come back and thanks for being so kind! 


@newsiesfan15 you’re so welcome!! thank you for being my best fren too!! i missed you too!! i’m so happy to be back though :) <33


            Of course, thank you for being my best fren! I missed you! <3


@newsiesfan15 AHHHHHH i’m crying!!! ;( happy late two year anniversary girlie!! i’m so sorry for being gone for so long, but i promise i am now here to stay!!!!! i’ve missed you and this app so much!! i’m so glad i’ve gotten to know you these past two years, thank you for being my best fren love <33

          hey everyone! if you’re a fan of jj maybank, i posted an imagine that you might like :) even if you’re not, go ahead and read if you’d like! <3


            You’re welcome best fren <3


@newsiesfan15 thank you best fren! <33


            I’ve never watched it, but I still read it! (: 

          hello everyone! i made a multi fandom imagines book! go ahead and request if you’d like <3


            You’re welcome ma’am 


@newsiesfan15 thank you ma’am!


so like i know i said i wouldn’t write anything, but i kinda want to, haha! so what’s something you guys would be interested in reading? a tv show character, celebrity, movie character, just a made up plot, anything! drop some suggestions for me please!<3


@Chloe1514 you’re my best friend on here too!! and you already know i read all your books!! they’re my favorites <3


            You’re welcome! You are like, my best friend on here, so of course I would read any of your books <3


well hello!! i haven’t been on this account, or even this app since last year! haha! anyways, i’m so sorry to everyone for being gone for so long. i truly am sorry. since i started highschool i had been very busy and stressed with school that i just kind of slowly kept drifting away from this app. this is not a goodbye, but please do not be surprised if i don’t stay active for long periods of time!! but, i just thought i would pop in and say hello! i also want to know how all of you are doing during these circumstances. i hope you all are staying safe, healthy, and sane! if you ever need to talk to someone, my dms are open! since i will not be going back to school for the remainder of the year, i will TRY to be much more active on here, but i can’t make any promises! that’s all for now, and again i am so sorry for being gone for so long!! much love<3


@Chloe1514 YES IM BACK!! i’ve missed you too!! 


            MY FRIEND YOU’RE BACK! I’ve missed youuuu