
Dear followers i regret to inform but i am deleting this account and all of my stories on this account will be discontinued if you want to rrach me then go follow my other accounts @5sosfangirl-03 or something like that or my otger account @brookiebear108 thank you and bye


I practically yelled at @megisnotonfleek again and i am so pissed not even at her. I pissed at myself because her and it hurts like a bitch to be honest. She hates me and that hurts i wish i could hate her but i don't i cant i sometimes feel like i do but then things change. I miss her so much and i have been feeling really depressed and my only escape is music and @halie-kelley. I just don't know how to control everything that is going on and i hate it so much!


God that doesnt even make sense idk dont worry


this message may be offensive
I am so fucking pissed! So as some of you may already know #megisnotonfleek and i were arguing. Well i was on with my life bevause i didnt want to continue arguing so we werent friends and then all of a sudden i turned on my phone after lunch and got a text from @mahoby-is-me (i havent put in the effort to learn how to spell it) anyways i got a text that something like '1. Megan and Janiah are still friends. 2. Megan will never be your friend and if you wanted to be her friend you wouldn't have called and asked her to remind her why you ever decided to be her friend So i was like 'wow okay and replied but i forget what i said. The next morning i confronted Metrea about it and it ended with us calling EACH OTHER major bitches like she was being. And then i went on with my day and decided to hang out with my friend Alex. Then all of a sudden Kiera's behind us and shes all like 'hey Alex i heard you called Metrea a slut' and Alex was like 'i never did who told you that?' And then she was like 'Metrea' and under my breath i said 'yeah well don't believe everything Metrea says' and that like made her spazz and she started yelling at me like 'You know what i am sick of this fucking shit you are a bitch and you need to fucking quit calling Metrea things i am fucking sick of it' or something like that. So i turned around and ran to the washroom not talking to Alex because i didn't want him to see me cry. It was terrible.