So. Yes I was inactive. Will I go inactive again? Most likely. But. For the time being, I’m here, and I may be working on a new chapter.
Yes I know that the small following my book had is probably dead, but I hope y’all know that I do think about this book a lot. Like I’m always wanting to finish it, but it’s hard to finish because I don’t want to rush the ending.
Writing may be my new way to express my emotions. Lil vent here but my mom passed away this January, and yknow grief sucks to handle. But I dunno maybe writing porn and fluff for the internet is a way of expression I need to do again.
So. Yeah. Even if no one reads it I’ll keep writing. Possibly some one shots for kinktober because that’s what really got me thinking about it again.
I probably won’t go into different fandoms, cause for me, writing fan fiction is strictly like a Steven universe feeling. I’ve only ever written it for Lapidot, and I just can’t see myself writing anything other than Lapidot stories. But I dunno maybe I’ll find a ship I like and will explore that.
Thanks for still reading and being interested in my stupid little writing that 5th grader me wrote. It means a lot❤️