
New part to the phanfic “Foster” is up. Sorry it’s been a while. Had some health issues but I’m back at the pen again! Or keyboard I guess... Anyway, hope you guys enjoy :) 


I will fix my story order and covers soon I'm sorry for any confusion 


It’s all about the tags you assign with the story. If you post common tags like: boy, girl, cute,  dragon, magic, people can easily find your story. If you have tags like: lake house, gymnasium, acrobats, chestnut, it’s harder to people to find what your story might be about. Make sure to use clear tags that definitively describe what your story is about. Also, post a story with lots of chapters as opposed to one big part. People like to read in chapters because it helps them feel like the story is advancing faster. Sorry I took so long to respond! 


@BrotherAsh Hi, just wanted to ask, how do you get so many reads on your book?


I am aware that my covers all still have my old user name. At the moment I'm stuck on a device that is not compatible with the Wattpad Covers app so it may be a bit before I can correct those. Sorry for any confusion this may cause.


Hello! I've re-branded everyone. My user name is no longer TARDIS91011, it is BrotherAsh. I'm still the same person and I still share this account with my brother (hence the brother in the username). Nothing has changed and I'm still going to keep writing current stories. Love you all  and if you have questions just message me - chances are I hold the answers.


I received a suggestion from anonymous and its a PHANFIC AND DESTIEL CROSSOVER  guys! It'll be featuring high school Dan and Phil vs high school Castiel and Dean! I don't plan to have it up soon tho sorry I want to make this one really good. Anyways, there's something for you guys to look forward to in the future.