
@JustAllieHere Thank you. Please PLEASE come to tumblr I <3 u!!!


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Wait what the fuck you're leaving?! I know we have Tumblr but... the Golden Trio and... :'(

          But... but are you going to keep the account up? What if I have a story idea that I need to tell you about? 
          ah I feel bad now if wattpad is taking over your life okay :(
          well I'll message you on tumblr now
          I'll miss you Sloany ♥


Sorry guys I really have to leave. This whole thing is taking away from my school and social life, and I'm not even updating anymore. I'm sorry, but you can still chat with me on tumblr. I'm at
          My friends @GoingToNeverland and @TheMilkaWay : I'll miss you guys. A lot. The Golden Trio has become the Dynamic Duo. But I'm told that I have REALLY creative ideas for stories and plotlines, I'm just crap at writing the actual story. 
          so feel free to go to tumblr and ask me stuff, chat with me, and get advice. I'll miss you guys a lot. Please don't think I'm abandoning you, I'd love to seer you on tumblr (a site which is much less of a commitment and pressure for me personally.)
          Sorry. This is the end. 
          Goodbye wattpad. I'm logging out for good. 


So I'm leaving wattpad. Sorry. Bye guys. 
          Ill still be on tumblr though! It was absolutely amazing trying this whole writer thing out, but it's gone a bit too much. Bye, thanks for all of this. It's been a marvelous experience. 
          If anyone should want this account (lol why would you) just message me and we can work something out:)
          I'll miss you my lovelies </3
          ~Sloany Bologna x


OMG I LOVE the Percy Jackson series too! I've read all the book over and over again so many times I feel like I know them all by heart haha! :D fan me back please? and PM when ever you want(: I'd love to get to know you bettahh