
Thanks to everyone who has started reading The Trinity Trilogy, and for your patience as constant edits and corrections are being made. Finished Chapter 3 not long ago!! Chapter 4 is being published this afternoon. More about Gin and his father's mysterious disappearance and a new ally is added to the group. See you on the other other side of the page!


Thanks to everyone who has started reading The Trinity Trilogy, and for your patience as constant edits and corrections are being made. Finished Chapter 3 not long ago!! Chapter 4 is being published this afternoon. More about Gin and his father's mysterious disappearance and a new ally is added to the group. See you on the other other side of the page!


Well folks, the first draft of MIND has hit the Web!!! Lol just the Prologue. Let me know what you think and any tips/suggestions. Thanks!! Merry Christmas!!


@BryantToker check out the new chapters just completed. (First draft so bear with me) Chapters 1 and 2 are in. Meet the Protagonist of the story and get a little insight on the origins of The Trinity!!